Pasta alla Puttanesca

The perfect blend of hot and cold.

Like a perfectly made Old Fashioned, pasta puttanesca relies on simple ingredients properly prepared. This is the high point of our weeknight summer dining on the farm.


  • A couple of very ripe tomatoes (preferably just picked)
  • 4-8 cloves of garlic
  • 15-25 leaves of basil
  • Olive oil
  • Coarse salt
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Pasta: either shell, bowtie, or penne


  • All in the same bowl: chop the tomatoes, chop your garlic, shred the basil, add coarse salt, then grind your pepper until your arm grows tired. Add about half-a-cup olive oil, gently mix. Stick the bowl into the fridge for two hours.
  • Boil the pasta, drain, put in the serving bowl. Pour the cold ingredients over the hot pasta and toss.

Eat at once. Giuliano Bugialli admonishes you to not add cheese. I agree. Enjoy. I suggest a glass or two of red wine to wash it down.


Reading tonight: The Fine Art of Italian Cooking (G. Bugialli)