Decision Time

A week ago last Thursday I heard what sounded like the hiss of a fire. I sprinted from the kitchen in alarm, only to realize that a hard rain was falling on our metal roof. It ended a short 10 minutes later, giving us a meager two-tenths of an inch, qualifying as the only precipitation in the month of October. Add to it one rainfall in September and another the first of August and we have slipped into extreme drought this early November.January 2015 021

The fields on our farm are rock hard and parched from the topsoil on down. This week we planted our annual garlic crop in a four-inch layer of dust. On a trip to Georgia last Monday, we drove through an hour and half of smoke from the mountains; the newspapers report that north Georgia and Alabama are on fire.

Farming requires an optimism that good times will return sooner than later. But it also requires a pessimism, a conservatism that leads us to prepare for the worst, to be resilient. So we hoard our water supply (when cisterns and well-house spigots are not left on and forgotten absentmindedly). We stockpile hay, we mulch, we sell unused and unneeded equipment, and we cull old, ornery, and unproductive livestock.

Last year also began in drought. A slim first hay cutting forced us to cut our flock of Katahdins by half. Eventually the rains returned, rejuvenating our pastures and restoring our confidence in the number of mouths we could afford to feed through winter and lambing. The 2016 winter-spring lambing season rewarded us with a hefty crop of lambs, and we were able to sell off many of our weanlings, some to customers stocking their own freezers, some to individuals wanting to begin flocks of their own. It’s an annual event that brings in needed farm income and hedges our bets against the future.

In this period of extreme drought, it was with some surprise to us that we purchased another eight ewes and a yearling ram a week ago. The decision was based on simple economics: the ewes were all bred and offered at a price we couldn’t pass up, the owner having sold out because of the drought. We have an adequate stock of hay on hand and assurances to purchase more at pre-drought prices, and with that as security, we made the decision to carry an expanded flock through winter.

Yesterday, after a morning spent castrating piglets, we spent the afternoon working the sheep. We trimmed hooves, wormed a couple, and separated out the rams and market wethers from the ewes. With the ewes beginning lambing season in January, pulling the boys will help the females maintain condition and prevent a late lambing. The males are segregated in another paddock, where the rams will recondition after servicing the ewes and this year’s wethers will continue to grow out before being butchered in February.

The task of separating rams and wethers is always a bit of a rodeo. First we enclose them in a pen, with Cindy working the gate while I wade into the flock. She points and I grab, lifting the chosen one off his front legs. At between 125 pounds for the wethers and 175 for the older ram, the boys give me a workout. Once I have a firm grip, Cindy opens gates and I haul the sheep out to the corral. Then our English shepherd, Becky, moves them to another paddock as the ewes cluster around the gates for the farewell.

Such is the recipe for our farming decisions: pragmatic optimism, seasoned with conservative management of resources; ample hard work; choices made based on what is possible. Ah, that our political leaders adhered to the same.


Reading this weekend: Alternative Agriculture: a history from the Black Death to the present day. By Joan Thirsk

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9 thoughts on “Decision Time

  1. How far removed are any of the elite decision makers from the farm? 2,3,4,5 generations? More than likely a directly proportional relationship between lack of common sense and distance from an agrarian past.

    • An astute observation. Farming is certainly not the only saving grace of our democracy. But the ethics learned from the daily work, the small town nature of the relationships, certainly can’t hurt.

    • Well, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. But, 2/10 doesn’t really do anything but turn tamp down the dust for a couple of hours. Speaking of horses, hope you got to ride yesterday evening.

  2. I went to work in town today, having read your article and thought about it for a while, and drove home having to contemplate it in a whole different way:

    Pragmatic optimism hardly exists among urbanites, except for the poor ones. Those who for the moment still have the resources to be able to pay for their food and booze indulge in the kind of “radiant self-hatred” that would get them into all sorts of trouble were they not situated where and how they currently are.

    Of course, one tends to need a place to feel optimistic about. They have none, and worse, for a long time now they’ve been taught they didn’t need one.

    And then those same hateful individuals approach me about welcoming them at my place.
    For booze and a cozy fire. Celebrating…nothing. Indulging in the moment.

    Because that’s how they approach the non-urban:
    As a place to use up for using up their spare time.
    Partytime-debt destruction.

    I’m really getting a feeling for how all those farmers must have felt when it dawned on them that the only way to stay afloat was to gamify what they did, choose a silly hat and invite the party scene onto their newly-built camping site…

    I’m having my dies irae today – anyone having special plans for tomorrow 🙂 ?

    • Ah, farming, the great unused recreation center. All that lovely land being wasted on food production. Let’s have a camp and a sing-a-along. Day of Wrath, indeed!

      • A sing-along, plus a roasted goose.
        I hear H5N8 has again made it over in time for the festive season.
        Infectious behavior all around.

        There are some strange conbection resets going on on your site…

        • …aaaaand they’re gone. Must have heard you coming.
          Edit…I just had to type this for a second and third time (sad smiley, no comment posted), and looking up after filling in name and email, I was a bit surprised to see that I’d managed to type them back-to-front!

          It’s witchcraft is what it is.

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